puppy and teddy bear

Why can’t he do things differently?

Why don’t they do it the way I do?

Those questions, and all their variations, are asked all the time.

Why can’t they see that I’m right?

Why can’t I do things faster?

Why do things seem so hard these days?

All these questions have the same underlying theme – that the person asking them wants something or someone to change, and change soon!

Well, the only way to create change is to accept what is. Be so confident, passionate, open and willing to be with whatever is going on that the feeling itself creates the change – within you.

Action – Think of someone or something you want to change.

Now, how would you act, think or feel if you completely and wholeheartedly accepted this person or thing simply the way it is right now?

6 Responses

  1. Definitely need to read this today. There are several situations and people I’d really like to change right now. Mahalo.

  2. Talk about a message I needed to hear today!! (And it’s far from being the first time it’s happened – how do you DO that??) Thanks for being so awesome, Nancy!! Hope you’re well!

    1. I mean, the people I need the most to change their behaviour at the moment are not from work.

      Not even I could get the meaning of my last message after posting it….

  3. Thank you for this post. I always feel the need to change my two adult sons, or some of their behaviors. I’ve been trying for most of their childhood, teenagehood and now adulthood. Nothing has changed. Maybe nothing will change. They are who they are. Whether they take after their father or their mother, they won’t change. I need to continue to love them, and accept the good and the bad. I need to love their imperfections and not think of them in a negative way. Have a great weekend.

    1. It can be tough with our kids, that’s for sure. We want them to see what we feel they cannot see yet. We want them to have a magical life. We often feel that what they are currently doing or being is preventing what we want for them. That’s problematic given that 99% of the time, what we want for them is not what they want for themselves and/or part of their destination is the journey, just like it was (and continues to be) for you and me.
      We can like or dislike someone’s behavior. We have absolutely no right to judge it as good or bad.

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