How many times a day do you change your plans without even realizing it?

When a glitch appears, you alter your plans and carry on, without missing a beat. This happens every time you’re stuck in traffic, the phone rings or someone interrupts you.

So why is it then that you grind to a halt when other blocks show up? What goes on in your head that makes one situation simple and another a crisis?

Somewhere you’ve learned that the appropriate response to an unexpected influx of work is to freak out. Or that the way to deal with a client who complains is to drop everything else and rush around.

Action – Using little lessons from your every day activities, figure out new and unique ways to deal with challenges.

“A” doesn’t necessarily lead to “B” and you’re NOT required to respond in any specific way to anything.

4 Responses

  1. Very good question, I think for me, the unexpected hard to change ideas or plans were because it was something I had more interest in… Where as the little things(work,traffic, etc) its simple to get from A to B. I like this thought, and will definitely explore some more ways to challenge my minds set up. Thank you.

  2. Nancy, I am a total fan of yours….. these very thought provoking challenges make my day.

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