When it comes to commitment, you’re either in or you’re out. There really is no such thing as “some commitment”!

In work, to be partially committed to tasks, projects, the organization or it’s goals is a sure-fire way to create frustration, stress, disorganization and a feeling of overwhelm.

At home, being “kinda committed” to your partner, family or friends creates a strain on relationships and ultimately disrespect to or from you.

And with yourself, being less than fully committed to your financial, spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being is a recipe for disaster.

Action – Here are some famous quotes to remind you of the consequences of NOT being totally committed:

–    If you stand in the middle of the road you’ll get hit from both directions
–    Stop sitting on the fence before your butt hurts
–    And my personal favorite – do or do not, there is no try!

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