British researchers have confirmed that certain mechanisms kick in when the brain recognizes a previously unsuccessful pattern of behavior. That means the cliché is true – we DO learn more from our mistakes than from our successes.

Yes, other studies have proven that learning improves after errors are made. But this one actually shows how the brain specifically reacts to a mistake.

Your brain, when signaled by previous experience of a negative outcome, will alert you to what’s happening and allow the potential for new positive outcomes.

Remember the time you used a rock instead of a hammer to pound that nail and you hurt your hand? Well, your brain actually responds each time you pick up a nail again – you won’t be using a rock!

Action – Now you have it … valid evidence that your goofs, whoopsies, faux pas and gaffs have a purpose and even a positive end result!

So, goof up more often!

One Response

  1. I agree, the amazing things I do now were the result of no so amazing things in my past. I suspect that in another 20 years I will be close to perfect. 🙂

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