Are YOU the person who’s holding yourself back from achieving what you want?
Sometimes we hold back because we’re afraid of looking like a fool.
One of the reasons why public speaking, for example, is the highest ranking fear is because we’re worried about embarrassing ourselves in front of other people.
Somewhere along the line, we have learned that risking public humiliation is simply not worth the cost! Having fear is natural – it’s part of the human condition. But it’s important to understand that fear can block your success, contribute to your frustrations and cause a lot of stress.
Action – Fill in the blank in this statement – the worst thing someone can say about me is ….
When you admit what your fear is and why it exists, you’ll be able to start eliminating it. You may even discover that the fear is simply an old and unhelpful habit you’ve just been hanging on to.
Public speaking is like riding a bicycle, when you do it the first time, the second is much easier. What is strictly necessary is keep the pace to improve your abilities (read, practice and develop some tips).