Some days nothing works in your favor. And boy, we have all experienced that kind of day!
You know what I mean – everyone’s phone line is busy, the computer breaks down, people cancel appointments, you bump your knee on the desk. You feel flat and uninspired.
Yet there are other days where everything seems to flow. Unexpected checks arrive in the mail, all your meetings are productive and on schedule, someone you’ve been chasing actually calls you, all the lights are green on the way home. You can’t stop smiling and your energy is high.
What’s the difference between the two days?
You are.
It is said that everything happening externally is simply a reflection of everything happening internally. This means the bad days are sending just as much of a message as the good days.
What is it that you are supposed to be hearing?
Action – Write out the details of a recent so-called bad day. Read over the various unpleasant events and how you might have impacted them. Is there a common theme, like overcommitting your time, or maybe several different issues, such as multi-tasking while feeling unsure or being distracted from priorities.
Understanding how you are creating the bad days means you are more able to consciously create the good ones!
(What commonly shows up during one of your ‘bad days’? Please leave your reply in the comments box.)