Recently, a client was venting about how some underperforming colleagues were blocking his success. This is not the first time I’ve heard this type of complaint.
So I asked him “do you believe in them?”
“No,” he replied sharply. “And each day they prove me right.”
I said, “then this will never improve for you.”
His own lack of belief was actually part of the problem.
People rise or fall in response to our belief in them. We inadvertently block their ability to do what we want when we hold them in such low regard.
Sure, colleagues and associates may not be as productive, helpful or responsive as we would like but each time you believe this person will underperform, he or she will. Through their own intuition or sixth sense, they’ll pick up on your perception and respond accordingly, consciously or not.
Action – You do exactly the same thing. Remember a time when someone in your social or professional circle didn’t believe in you? Perhaps they withheld opportunities, looked down their nose or generally wrote you off as a loser. What did you do?
Next, think of how you were treated by someone who believed in you. Who held you up to higher than you held yourself. Who overlooked your foibles and encouraged you regularly.
Generally speaking, how do you treat colleagues?
If you want success, then expect it.
(What have you been ‘expecting’ in others that is less than what they are actually able to give? Please share your experiences using the comments box.)