There are times when we need to give ourselves what we’d like others to give us. That’s because other people are not always as forthcoming with praise or encouragement as we’d like them to be.

In fact, and as you may very well know, the source of much ill-feeling in a professional relationship is when one feels the other doesn’t recognize their contributions or successes.

That does NOT mean your own happiness has to suffer.

Learn how to pat your own back. Appreciate who you are and what you do.

Action – Take time every day to pause and reflect on your own accomplishments. Give yourself credit for overcoming challenges and stretching your comfort zone. Frequently celebrate achieving your goals and praise your own abilities.

We all love being acknowledged by others. But don’t wait for them to notice how great you are. Do that for yourself every day.

(What is one thing you’ve done recently that deserves a pat on the back? Share with us by using the comments box.)

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