Are you shoulding on yourself?

The word ‘should’ is one of the most negative words in the English language. “Should” expresses duty or obligation. But who created the requirement?

Here’s how we make the word “should” detrimental to our success:

I have yet to find an instance where “should” creates positive action. Sure, people might respond to shoulds, but it’s fear-based.

Saying “should” about others is bad enough, but shoulding on yourself is downright destructive!

How often do you should on yourself each day? How do you normally respond to your own shoulds?

Action – Make a list of all the shoulds in your life. Today, commit to removing at least one of those, permanently.

Don’t do this because you should but because you choose to.

4 Responses

  1. Yes, this is one of the 3 bad words. The other 2 are Could and Would. I am always on the lookout for these 3 words, and am more successful when they do not form part of my dialogue to myself or others.

  2. I do this a lot. I am going to count my Shoulds and see where I can make improvements.

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