They say practice makes perfect.
That really begs the question – so then, what are you perfecting?
(Yes, practice does make perfect. But if we aren’t practicing things that take us to where we want to go, we are actually perfecting something less than what we want.)
Are you perfecting how to be effective and balanced. Or are you perfecting feeling stressed and overwhelmed?
Maybe you’re perfecting putting your key priorities first. Or perhaps you are one of those people who is unfortunately perfecting how to be unfocused and without direction.
Disciplined or a Yes man?
Self-nurturing or a woman who doesn’t know how to say No?
What you continue to practice, you continue to perfect. So if things aren’t happening the way you want them to, you’re perfecting the wrong stuff!
Every day brings new opportunity to do things differently. Every hour in fact. So start right now. In this hour.
Action – Write out 2 of your limiting habits. I know you know what at least 2 of them are! Now write out 2 habits you’d like to have, and don’t just make them opposite to the first two. You cannot just break habits, you must actually replace them with something you really want.
For the next month, focus on just these 4 habits – 2 you’re getting rid of and 2 your implementing. Set goals, make the plans, get the help if needed. Do what you need to do to make this happen.
Practice and perfect only those habits that will take you to where you want to go!