I consider myself to be very intelligent. While all the measures of IQ seem to confirm my belief {wink}, one thing I have struggled to accept is that even though I’m smart, I’m not always right!
And when ego bumps up against wanting to be right, prideful defenses can get in the way of our relationships, our business and, most importantly, our feelings of success.
When I debate a point simply to be right, I know that that is not a mark of success.
Maybe my ability to acknowledge my mistakes, errors, fears and foibles is coming with age. All I know is that the more I remove the words ‘right and wrong’ from my life, the faster I connect with others, the more confident I am and the happier my days are.
Action – Are you fighting with someone or some situation simply to be right?
Today, stop looking for right and wrong and begin to find a calm, peaceful life.