Question – “Why is it hard to change someone’s mind?”
Answer – While there are a number of factors affecting if and how we can influence someone, one of the most important is known as our ‘confirmation bias’.
And this is something that every sales agent or influencer should learn more about.
While growing up, we tend to ask lots of questions. We want to know why the sky is blue, why cats meow and what makes the sun go to sleep at night.
When we hit the late teen years and early twenties, we stopped asking.
You see, at this point in our lives, we start turning off questions and start turning on statements.
Instead of being open and curious, we began looking for people and information that validates and confirms the opinions we’ve made. We discount outside data that contradicts what we think.
And generally, when you’re trying to influence someone in your direction, there will automatically be some contradictions between what you are saying and what they are already thinking.
Action – So, find some mutually shared ideas with the other person as a stepping stone to concepts that may contradict their confirmation bias.