I really don’t like the phrase ‘have a nice day!’ I don’t want to take away from the sentiment of it – I just want to point out a couple of important matters.

First, the phrase ‘have a nice day’ is bantered about so often that (a) no one takes it seriously and (b) few people really care about your day anyway!

Second, and most importantly, the phrase is far too passive.

‘Have a nice day’ translates into ‘sit back and do nothing and see what shows up.’

Action – If you REALLY want to show people you care, give them a different message.

Say to them – ‘MAKE IT a great day!’

This tells people you want the best for them and it reminds them that they have it in their power to create it, just as you do.

One of my clients started signing most of his letters and emails with this phrase and found people quickly and positively responded to the sentiment.

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