Can’t seem to get loose ends cleaned up? Well, jump in the shower!

No doubt you have experienced insights and ideas while soaping up under the running water! Why does this happen?

Well, if you are someone who is perpetually busy, doing something all the time, your shower time is likely the only time of the day you are alone, without any distractions.

This is then an ideal place and space for your creative intuitive right brain to get a chance to be heard.

Action – Next time you are blocked by an obstacle or you feel overwhelmed by challenges or decisions, stop. Find a quiet place to be alone, preferably in your own home, where you won’t be disturbed for 20 to 30 minutes.

Don’t think about anything. Don’t even try to solve the problem. Just sit and listen to the sounds of silence.

When you slow down and stop thinking soooo hard, you will often come up with solutions.

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