Time sure flies as we get older, doesn’t it? I was sure yesterday was Saturday, so why is today Wednesday?!

Psychologists and neuroscientists are fascinated by how our brains interpret and react to time. And recent studies have given even more credibility to the idea of filling your life with new activities, no matter how old you are.

The brain gives more cognitive processing space to things that are novel. When we encounter new activities, ideas, tasks or perspectives, the brain works harder than when we are involved in routine stuff. And when we recall these new periods, we actually interpret them as lasting longer.

So basically, we tend to do fewer NEW things as we get older and time appears to whiz by because our brains are less stimulated by all that same-old same-old routine!

Action – What interesting sport have you never tried? Is there an academic subject that piques your interest? When did you travel to a different city or country? For that matter, when was the last time you drove a different way home?!

Compile a list of new attitudes and actions you’d like to experiment with.

You see, not only CAN you teach an old dog new tricks, you really need to, before time ticks away completely!

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