Bob called today. One of the first things he said was “I didn’t get anything done last week.”
“Really? Nothing? You sat on your butt, all alone, staring at a wall?”
“Well, no,” he said, “But I didn’t do anything important.”
Bob, like many of us, had clearly lost sight of his accomplishments. So we started picking apart his week of work and play. And within a few minutes, he began to see how much he HAD done.
Yes, he didn’t sign any big deals, BUT he:
– made a new contact
– helped a colleague solve a problem
– gone to the gym once
– organized his mountainous in-tray
– nurtured 4 existing client relationships
– spent alone time with his wife
– was patient with an annoying client
– made time to read to his daughter
Action – Personal or professional, internal or external, write out 5 top accomplishments at the end of today. Within a week, you’ll have 35. In a month, 150!
This simple yet valuable exercise will stop you from ever again thinking you’re not getting anything done!