One of the primary principles of Dale Carnegie’s book How To Win Friend’s and Influence People is that a person’s name is, to them, the sweetest and most important sound in any language.

I used to be horrible at remembering names, until I learned a few tricks that helped my memory.

First, when you are introduced, repeat that person’s name back to them. So, when I meet Bob, it becomes “Hi Bob, nice to meet you”. If it is a complicated name, ask them to pronounce it for you.

Next, say the person’s name frequently during the course of the conversation, without overkill.

Using your imagination, create a wild, exaggerated picture of that person in your mind’s eye. Note facial features you can embellish, even to the point of humor if it helps you remember their name.

An alternate is to create a mental picture with his or her name. For example, Andrew could become an Ant drawing a picture of himself – Ant-drew.

You can also write down someone’s name once you are no longer in each other’s presence. The act of writing helps the brain remember and recall.

Action – Learn how to remember people’s names and you will find yourself more confidently networking and communicating with others.

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