For months, I’ve been using a desk calendar called Twisted Whiskers. It’s day-to-a-page format is covered with morphed pictures of cats, dogs and other creatures coupled with humorous, short sayings.
One of my favorites, which epitomizes what those who know me would tell you, is – I’m not finicky, just highly selective.
Yes, it makes me giggle, but this little quip really encapsulates something I’ve come to understand as a key factor in creating success, however you choose to define it.
And that is, don’t settle for less.
When buying things, I now purchase what I want or need, not what I think I can afford. I look at ITEMS before I look at price tags.
When hiring a professional to support my business ventures, I find the best, which is NOT always the most expensive.
My family and friends know that when we are out together, we will not have obstructed views of the ice hockey rink or tables stuck in the back of a restaurant.
And most importantly, when making promises to MYSELF, I won’t give half-hearted effort because no one is watching. Of the many opportunities and decisions I have every day, I select that which is most aligned to my values, my integrity and the person I strive to be in any given moment. Am I perfect at this? Absolutely not, but to keep it front and center makes it more likely.
Action – Where have you let things slide by? What do you turn your back to when you think no one is watching? What do you need to do to become more highly selective for yourself?
It’s okay to be highly selective, particularly with one’s own integrity.