Are you getting enough sleep?

You see, your level of fatigue has a direct impact on your physical and mental performance.

Being tired is not only a physical hindrance but it is a significant threat to our decision-making abilities.

In a recent study, it was shown that, when fatigued, we are prone to act without consideration for consequences. We are also far less concerned with consequences, so there is significant effect on making informed and well-considered decisions.

Most individuals need between 6 and 7 hours sleep every night. And it is a myth to think you can ‘catch up’ on the weekend!

Action – If you’ve noticed yourself making poor decisions recently, consider changing your sleeping habits to ensure 6 to 7 hours per night.

Many things impact our performance. Eating habits, genetics, mental perceptions, physiology and more. Sleep is right at the top of the list too. Make sure you get enough of it!

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