Brain food is more than broccoli, walnuts or apples. You see, what you expose your brain to – in other words, what you feed it – it responds to accordingly.

Give it too much routine or simple tasks and your brain WILL be bored. Instead, spice things up a little. Do normal tasks differently, take a new route to work, introduce yourself to people you usually ignore, watch a different genre of film or television program, take a holiday somewhere new.

Challenge yourself in whatever you do.

If you fill your brain with negative input, such as 24/7 news, gossip or nay-sayers, then it too will have no alternative but to focus on negatives. Make an effort to surround yourself with positive people, enjoy comedy clubs or interesting sporting events.

– Do one thing differently today. And laugh more often.

Yes, you are what you eat. And you are also what you think.

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