From time to time, we may find ourselves “spaced out.” I’ll wager most astronauts thankfully spend a good portion of their lives “spaced out!”
Daydreaming is often perceived as wasted time. But consider any of your passions. If you love to write, you know that plots, twists and conclusions must be meticulously thought through. Is that daydreaming? Might you seem ‘spaced out’ to onlookers during this crucial step to the conception of your bestseller?
We all have hopes, dreams and aspirations. The unique ability to imagine – to virtually create and experience events, actions and their associated physical responses – is often the first step to creating success.
Action – The next time you get spaced out, acknowledge it and give yourself a few more minutes to see where it leads you.
Astronomer Carl Sagan said, “Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.”