Even though I immerse myself in the psychology of success, I STILL get myself caught up in some attitudes and actions that get in the way of creating it.
One of them is procrastination.
Yes, I’m very good at avoiding tasks I don’t want to do.
One good thing, though, is that I can quickly see the why and how of my evasive behavior. And usually, I now just giggle as I acknowledge what’s going on and then set about doing something to get past the block.
There are many reasons why you procrastinate. But the only one that is truly valid is if the action needed contradicts your integrity. Everything else is simply an excuse to hesitate.
Action – So, whatever you’re currently procrastinating about, stop hesitating! Do something, anything, even something miniscule, to get going again!
Being in action is the only way to get beyond procrastination.
(originally posted February 23, 2010)