Having been ill with various ailments over the past few months, a truth about work became very apparent to me. It has become so crystal clear that I feel compelled to emphasize it to all my clients, contacts and customers.

And the truth is this – your success is directly and proportionately related to the degree of absolute pleasure you get from what you do.

I love what I do so much that even when I am instructed by doctors, my husband, and even my own inner voice to stay away from the office, I find it difficult to do so.

I want to be writing these postings, I am eager to be in the studio to record my audio program and I am keen to get back into contact with people.

Of course I want to make money from what I do, but it is not the main force behind my attitudes and actions about my business.

Action – If you’re in a job that is boring, tedious or simply something you hate, get out as fast as you can.

Don’t let money fears stop you because I guarantee another truth – do what you love and the money will follow!

(Originally broadcast August 12, 2009)

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