I’ve spoken about defining success many times before. I’m very aware that people resist the idea of writing out a definition of success for themselves because they may not make it happen, and then they might be a failure.
But without that definition, how can you possibly know if you ARE successful?
Oh, I know. You’ll wait for someone else to tell you, right? You’ll wait for the kudos or recognition the boss, your clients or colleagues decide to give you!
Yes, that’s it! And won’t it be great the day someone tells you how wonderful you are!?
Yes, a fine day indeed!
And don’t worry – I’m sure EVERYONE around you is so eager to boost your ego and make sure you’re happy that they’ll go out of their way to ensure you feel successful!
You simply cannot create success without your own definition for it.
Action – So, grab a sheet of paper right now and start brainstorming words and phrases that define success for you.
Undoubtedly, you’ll start with things like ‘money’, or a ‘big house’, or ‘lots of vacation time’, but keep writing until you see heartfelt, values-based ideas like ‘contribution’, ‘personal growth’ or ‘sharing’ unfolding on the page.
This may take some effort and time. Talk to friends, your spouse or coach. Work this through because, believe me, as your definition of success becomes clearer, all those feelings of overwhelm, excess stress and fear fade away.
(originally broadcast May 23, 2007)