If you are in Ottawa, we would like you to join us on Wednesday, April 25 at 11:30 a.m. at Constitution Square III for the next 4/40 event.
Four months into the year and you are 9 out of 10 on performance goals. “Frank” isn’t in the room, you are eating frogs everyday, your Goal Getter™ Gang is rockin’ and you have a handle on the symptoms.
And if any part of that paragraph makes you say “What The …?”, then you must have missed one of my previous 4/40 events over the last few months. That’s okay, because on Wednesday, April 25th, we are going to recap several key tips and techniques for creating business (and personal) success.
Whether you manage a huge team or simply yourself, don’t miss this valuable opportunity (again)!
But Be Warned – There are reasons I am known as being “kickass” and I know that the best way to help adults get rid of limiting beliefs and bad habits is to make them a little uncomfortable for a while. Don’t be surprised if you want to leave the event, but stick around and you won’t regret it. I promise and guarantee!
Nancy Morris, an internationally recognized specialist in business psychology and behavior change, is a champion of the benefits of ‘microlearning’. Her 4/40 events deliver a succinct and powerful “4 hour seminar in 40 minutes.”
12:00 noon – 4/40 Seminar begins
12:40 pm – Seminar ends
1:00 pm – Event ends Cost of $10 includes lunch
Call 613 719 0044 and RSVP by 12:00 noon on Tuesday, April 24